Quick quote form
Please use this form if you simply need a quick quote without providing any energy bill/invoice. Please note that we will need to ask further questions and will either need to get the energy bill/invoice later or the quote may not be based on accurate figures.
Regular quote form if you don’t have an invoice to hand
Please use this form if you don’t have an energy bill/invoice to hand. We may either need to get the energy bill/invoice later or the quote may not be based on accurate figures.
Regular quote form if you have an invoice to hand
Please use this form if you have an energy bill/invoice to hand. It will help us to provide you with a more accurate quote.
New connections form
Please use this form if you are setting up a brand new connection.
Change of tenancy form
Please use this form if you have recently moved to new premises where meters are in place, and need to set up a supply.
Letter Of Authority (LOA)
If we ask you to provide a letter of authority, please use this template and send us the LOA, either by emailing contact@energyblogger.org.uk or by uploading it through our LOA page.